Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Big news!

Rob was taking Zoey out for a walk when I took a pregnancy test (I had a feeling I was and just couldn't wait anymore). I was beyond ecstatic when I saw the word "pregnant" appear and couldn't wait to share the news with the hubby.

I often ask Rob for cash (and he gets so annoyed since he is constantly preaching that I keep a reserve in my wallet at all times), so I put the test next to his wallet and when he got home, asked him to borrow some money. As I expected, he was noticeably irritated at which point I apologized, promising to go to the ATM later that day. He goes to his wallet, takes out money for me, gives me the money, all the while FAILING to see the positive pregnancy test right in front of his face! I tell him to go back to his wallet, at which point he finally sees the test : )

We are both over the moon and cannot wait for this exciting next stage in our lives as we become parents. 

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