Wednesday, September 18, 2013

40 Weeks!

40 Weeks!

  • Made it to 9/18 - my due date. Crazy!!
  • 40 week doctor appointment - still 3cm dilated. In a million years didn't think I'd be at this appointment!
  • If I don't have baby by 9/22, I get induced that night (so he'll be born the 23rd). Never thought I'd spend a birthday getting induced!
  • Excited, nervous, anxious - lot's of emotions running wild!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

39 Weeks!

39 Weeks!

  • 39 week doctor appointment - 3cm dilated. Dr. says there's a 50/50 chance I go into labor before my 40 week appointment!
  • Literally feel like I'm going into labor every 5 minutes (have been stalking my Dr. office - they must LOVE me : )
  • Feet have started to swell - the one pregnancy symptom I thought I avoided!
  • Feels like I've been pregnant for 2 years! Snapshot of baby bump over last 9 months:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

38 Weeks!

38 Weeks!

  • Running out of large fruits/vegetables to use in pics : )
  • 38 week doctor appointment - still 1cm dilated but baby has dropped a bit
  • Celebrated 2-year wedding anniversary! Time flies - 2 incredible years of being married and looking forward to many more healthy and happy times together as a family : )
Dinner at Senza - amazing!
  • Celebrated the Jewish New Year (and my weekly doctor's appointment) with something sweet:
Glazed and Infused Donuts - where the employees now recognize Rob and I and ask us each week how my appointment went : )

Sunday, September 1, 2013

37 Weeks!

37 Weeks - Full Term!

  • 37 week doctor appointment - still 1cm dilated
  • Chi-town temps are hot - craving slurpees
  • Pre-natal massage - the only time when I get to lay on my stomach and it feels amazing!
  • Maternity pics are posted (from session a few weeks back)
  • Enjoyed perfect weather for Labor Day weekend at the beach (and not in labor!)

Family of 3 for just a few weeks more!
Zoey LOVES the water!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

36 Weeks!

36 Weeks!

  • 36 week doctor appointment and ultra sound
    • 1cm dilated
    • Baby is high up, positioned head down and weighs around 6lbs
  • Finishing up nursery

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

35 Weeks!

35 Weeks!

  • Not getting so much sleep these days!
  • Lot's of walks and dinners outside for the most gorgeous weather we've had in Chicago all summer

Monday, August 12, 2013

34 Weeks!

34 Weeks!

  • Feeling full all the time - baby is taking up lot's of space inside!
  • Packed a hospital bag (just in case)
  • Organized West Loop doggy pool party for Zoey and friends:

Sunday, August 4, 2013

33 Weeks!

33 Weeks!

  • Took breastfeeding and infant CPR class - so overwhelming
  • Started a new tradition where we reward ourselves with amazing donuts at Glazed and Infused after each successful weekly doctor's appointment (successful meaning I haven't dilated anymore). I'm sure my doctor would be thrilled about this : )
  • Mom (aka Bubby) came to visit and help with nursery - brought all sorts of goodies for Baby Levine:

Sunday, July 28, 2013

32 Weeks!

32 Weeks!

  • Took maternity pictures (not sure if Rob has fully recovered from these yet) 
  • 32 week doctor's appointment - baby weighs about 4lbs, 11oz
  • Won a stroller! Entered raffle at a Bump Club event and won an amazing Peg Perego stroller system. One thing we can check off our list!
Zoey is slowly warming up to the stroller
  • Baby furniture has arrived! Still have a lot of work to do, but here's what little man's nursery looks like so far: 

Monday, July 22, 2013

31 Weeks!

31 Weeks!

  • First trip to the hospital (for frequent Braxton Hicks contractions)! Scary - but I was fine (Dr. wanted me to go as a precaution). Thankfully I had Rob to calm me down : )
  • Spent an obscene amount of money at Buy Buy Baby getting baby essentials for first few weeks at home

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

30 Weeks!

30 Weeks!

  • Starting to feel contractions (Braxton Hicks) - doctor says I'm fine!
  • Started prenatal aqua aerobics (yes, I am fully taking aqua aerobics)
  • Spa day with my girls!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

29 Weeks!

29 Weeks!

  • 1st "birthing" class at hospital (including tour of where I'll be delivering)
  • 4th of July with the Taylors

Monday, July 1, 2013

28 Weeks!

28 Weeks!

  • While at dinner for our 5 year (dating) anniversary, the Chicago Blackhawks coach walks in holding the Stanley Cup! Had to battle through a huge crowd, but was eventually able to get a bump shot with the cup : )
  • 28 week appointment
  • Major cravings for slurpees
  • Zoey had her first pool party! She had never been swimming before, so was a little nervous to go all the way in, but eventually gave it a shot and perfected her "doggy paddle" 
Rob and Stanley
Blackhawks coach walks in with the cup
Zoey's first pool party
Playing with my new friends
Not sure I understand this whole swimming thing?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

27 Weeks!

27 Weeks!

  • Registered online (after deciding the in-store experience was too much to handle)
  • Baby is kicking all the time
  • Can now see my stomach move
  • Zoey put her paw on my belly (unprompted/no treat) - so cute! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

26 weeks!

Zoey wouldn't move out of the picture - but way cuter with her in it anyways : )
26 Weeks!

  • Registered at BuyBuyBaby - almost had a nervous breakdown (SO overwhelming)!
  • Reserved a mohel (craaazy)
  • Ordered bedding/accessories for nursery
  • Baby has started hiccuping!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

25 Weeks!

25 Weeks!

  • Went to Seattle to see Rob (there for work for 2 weeks) 
  • So fun to see old friends, visit favorite restaurants, be on the water, have my favorite cupcake EVER, go to the Ballard farmer's market, see Rob's new office, go to Pike Place Market, etc.
  • Last flight (hopefully) before baby arrives!
Taking ferry to Bainbridge
Visiting my old apartment building in Ballard
One of my favorite breakfast dishes ever - bananas foster french toast at Portage Bay
Probably my favorite cupcake of all time - peanut butter from Trophy Cupcakes
Zoey greets Daddy after being in Seattle for 2 weeks

Sunday, June 2, 2013

24 Weeks!

24 Weeks!

  • Lil' man is kicking like crazy!
  • Already changed my mind on baby furniture (in true Nicole fashion) and canceled order for chair
  • Little sister, Jessica comes to visit
  • Took baby/dog training class at the hospital (where we realized we have A LOT of work to do with Zoey to prep her for being a big sister : )

Sunday, May 26, 2013

23 Weeks!

23 Weeks!

  • Feeling baby kick - a lot!
  • 1st real craving for ice cream - Rocky Road (random)
  • Lil' sis, Julie, moves to Chicago!
  • Purchased baby furniture 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22 Weeks!

22 Weeks - Babymoon!

  • Went to Aruba for our babymoon! Had an amazing time!
  • Walked on the beach, read, drank virgin piƱa coladas and swam in the ocean every single day - heaven 
  • Someone at hotel asked if I was having twins?!
  • Purchased/wore 1st maternity bathing suit (not so cute)

Mom/daughter baby bumps (taken many years apart : ) Had no clue when we planned our trip that my Mom also went to Aruba when she was pregnant with me!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

21 Weeks!

21 Weeks!

  • Registered for classes at the hospital - this is real now!
  • Looked at nursery furniture
  • Celebrated Mother's Day (current Mom to Zoey....Mom-to-be to Baby L : )
  • Traveled to Arizona to watch the youngest Siegel graduate!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

20 Weeks

20 Weeks - It's a boy!!

  • Found out we are having a boy!
  • Felt the baby moving for the first time (felt "fluttering" which is a sign of him moving)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gender Reveal!

The results are in.  Zoey will be getting a.... 

We had been anticipating our 20 week appointment for so long! Most of my friends predicted that I was having a boy but I didn't really have a feeling either way. I really just wanted a healthy baby, and when the technician typed the words "It's a" on sonogram - and then we saw the letter "B" - we were overcome with emotion and tears of happiness. I can honestly say that it was one of the most exciting/surreal/happy moments in my life. We've obviously been excited about the pregnancy for 4+ months now, but at this moment, it all just became very real. Thinking about the future with our precious little boy is overwhelmingly amazing. 

Now we can officially start planning/decorating (and the extra bedroom/nursery is already painted blue - so one thing checked off the list)! So excited to meet our little man!!

Here is a short video where you can hear the heartbeat : )

And a few ultrasound pics: 
The lil' guy
Tiny feet