Wednesday, September 18, 2013

40 Weeks!

40 Weeks!

  • Made it to 9/18 - my due date. Crazy!!
  • 40 week doctor appointment - still 3cm dilated. In a million years didn't think I'd be at this appointment!
  • If I don't have baby by 9/22, I get induced that night (so he'll be born the 23rd). Never thought I'd spend a birthday getting induced!
  • Excited, nervous, anxious - lot's of emotions running wild!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

39 Weeks!

39 Weeks!

  • 39 week doctor appointment - 3cm dilated. Dr. says there's a 50/50 chance I go into labor before my 40 week appointment!
  • Literally feel like I'm going into labor every 5 minutes (have been stalking my Dr. office - they must LOVE me : )
  • Feet have started to swell - the one pregnancy symptom I thought I avoided!
  • Feels like I've been pregnant for 2 years! Snapshot of baby bump over last 9 months:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

38 Weeks!

38 Weeks!

  • Running out of large fruits/vegetables to use in pics : )
  • 38 week doctor appointment - still 1cm dilated but baby has dropped a bit
  • Celebrated 2-year wedding anniversary! Time flies - 2 incredible years of being married and looking forward to many more healthy and happy times together as a family : )
Dinner at Senza - amazing!
  • Celebrated the Jewish New Year (and my weekly doctor's appointment) with something sweet:
Glazed and Infused Donuts - where the employees now recognize Rob and I and ask us each week how my appointment went : )

Sunday, September 1, 2013

37 Weeks!

37 Weeks - Full Term!

  • 37 week doctor appointment - still 1cm dilated
  • Chi-town temps are hot - craving slurpees
  • Pre-natal massage - the only time when I get to lay on my stomach and it feels amazing!
  • Maternity pics are posted (from session a few weeks back)
  • Enjoyed perfect weather for Labor Day weekend at the beach (and not in labor!)

Family of 3 for just a few weeks more!
Zoey LOVES the water!!