Sunday, July 28, 2013

32 Weeks!

32 Weeks!

  • Took maternity pictures (not sure if Rob has fully recovered from these yet) 
  • 32 week doctor's appointment - baby weighs about 4lbs, 11oz
  • Won a stroller! Entered raffle at a Bump Club event and won an amazing Peg Perego stroller system. One thing we can check off our list!
Zoey is slowly warming up to the stroller
  • Baby furniture has arrived! Still have a lot of work to do, but here's what little man's nursery looks like so far: 

Monday, July 22, 2013

31 Weeks!

31 Weeks!

  • First trip to the hospital (for frequent Braxton Hicks contractions)! Scary - but I was fine (Dr. wanted me to go as a precaution). Thankfully I had Rob to calm me down : )
  • Spent an obscene amount of money at Buy Buy Baby getting baby essentials for first few weeks at home

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

30 Weeks!

30 Weeks!

  • Starting to feel contractions (Braxton Hicks) - doctor says I'm fine!
  • Started prenatal aqua aerobics (yes, I am fully taking aqua aerobics)
  • Spa day with my girls!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

29 Weeks!

29 Weeks!

  • 1st "birthing" class at hospital (including tour of where I'll be delivering)
  • 4th of July with the Taylors

Monday, July 1, 2013

28 Weeks!

28 Weeks!

  • While at dinner for our 5 year (dating) anniversary, the Chicago Blackhawks coach walks in holding the Stanley Cup! Had to battle through a huge crowd, but was eventually able to get a bump shot with the cup : )
  • 28 week appointment
  • Major cravings for slurpees
  • Zoey had her first pool party! She had never been swimming before, so was a little nervous to go all the way in, but eventually gave it a shot and perfected her "doggy paddle" 
Rob and Stanley
Blackhawks coach walks in with the cup
Zoey's first pool party
Playing with my new friends
Not sure I understand this whole swimming thing?