Friday, March 29, 2013

15 weeks

15 weeks and things are definitely feeling snug!

  • Feeling more energetic/less queasy
  • Starting to feel congested : ( Doc says this is very normal, especially starting in 2nd trimester
  • Bought more maternity clothes from Gap - living in their yoga pants
  • Zoey has no interest in baby bump, yet Rob and I insist on trying to explain her future "big sister" status to her

Friday, March 22, 2013

14 weeks

14 weeks! Bump is out and in full effect! In Memphis for Marissa and Andrew's wedding weekend!

  • Getting to share the exciting news with friends and family in person (well, they actually already knew because our over-excited Jewish Moms spilled the beans, but was still fun to share a second time)
  • Buying my first pair of maternity jeans with my Mom at Pea in the Pod (I don't know how I'll ever go back to regular jeans - that elastic waistband is amazing)!
  • My Mom taking "bump" pictures of me all weekend long
  • Eating all the chocolate I wanted because after all, I am eating for 2 : )

Friday, March 8, 2013

12 Weeks

12 weeks - that was one long trimester! Clothes are just starting to feel tight and a little bump is making its debut.

  • Starting to tell close friends/family (and our Moms telling all of Michigan/Tennessee)
  • Slowly getting my energy and appetite back
  • Craving Chick-fil-A
  • Seeing the little cutie during our ultrasound : )